You forgot:

The coral reefs are dissolving due to global warming
The starfish are dissolving due to global warming
The crabs are disappearing due to global warming
Excessive algae blooms are due to global warming
The frogs are disappearing due to global warming
All animals are vanishing due to global warming
70% of America's citrus trees are dying due to global warming
8 million of our pigs just died due to global warming
The bats are dying due to global warming
The trees are dying due to global warming

and on and on and on....

All that and last time I heard, the Dinosaurs and vegetation flourished
when it was warmer with higher CO2 levels... (still doesn't mean you won't
have to sell your beach house...)

But at least we have 5 bars on our cell phones and 2 billion watts of
microwaves blanketing us to protect us in the US at frequencies biologists
say are bad for us.

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

>  Global Warming is the only field in science that can get away with an
> "all-inclusive" symptoms list.
> If it's hot, it's due to Global Warming
> If it's cold, it's due to Global Warming.
>  If it's raining, it's due to Global Warming.
>  If it's not raining, it's due to Global Warming.
>  If the Glaciers are melting, it's due to Global Warming.
>  If the Glaciers are not melting, it's due to Global Warming.
>  If it's El Nino, it's due to Global Warming.
>  If it's La Nina, it's due to Global Warming.
>  If the fish die, it's due to Global Warming.
>  If the fish don't die, it's due to Global Warming.
> If the Global Temperature goes up, it's due to Global Warming.
> If the Global Temperature goes down, it's due to Global Warming.
> If the Global Temperature stays the same, it's due to Global Warming......
> on and on it goes.  Everything we see is due to Global Warming.  The
> claims never end despite an utter lack of evidence and/or common sense.
> It never ceases to amaze me how Global Warming alarmists do not realize
> that their theory is not falsifiable.  Everything that happens is taken as
> proof of their theory.  How can one discuss science in the face of such
> intractable ridiculousness.

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