H Veeder <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Perhaps more care was taken to keep atmospheric gases out during the
> control runs or less care was taken to keep atmospheric gases out during
> the active run.

That is impossible. In most cases there was no way to know ahead of time
what was a control run, and what was an active run. Control runs consisted
of tests with no electrolysis (which he could tell was a control), tests
with hydrogen (which he assumed would produce no heat, but that wasn't a
sure thing), and -- in most cases -- Pd-D tests that failed to produce heat
(which no one could predict).

In any case, as I said before, there is no way anyone can accidentally or
purposefully leak into the cell just the right amount of helium to make it
equal to plasma fusion helium. Any method would be hundreds to thousands of
times too crude, producing random numbers. The amounts are far smaller than
any instrument could introduce accurately.

- Jed

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