It is not clear from the report exactly how much ash was extracted from the
reactor.  In the SEM of the 2 ash particles on page 45 in Appendix 3,
particle 2 is silica - known to be in the grain boundaries of alumina.  In
96% alumina, there are 4% of other oxides and and in 99.8% alumina, there
are still these oxides between the grains, only less of them.  This silica
is almost certainly a particle from an alumina grain boundary.

Note that the Ni "particle" is really a lump.  It is almost a 0.5mm chunk
of sintered Ni.  The fact that it came out at all (as opposed to being
sintered to the side) probably means it came from a cooler portion of the
reactor.  From working on a replica design of this reactor, the 5 cm ends
of the convection tube are probably not heated with the heater wire.  This
means that there are probably places inside the reaction tube that are
cooler and where sintering may occur between the Ni grains but not
necessarily to the alumina wall.

Sintering is not the same as crystal growth, and I wouldn't consider the
large Ni ash grain as a crystal growth.  It is more like the features of
the individual grains that come in contact melt together slightly
permanently bonding them with a grain boundary of oxides and contaminants
remaining in the boundary.

For all we know, the inside of the reaction tube was first coated with an
isotopically enriched 62Ni powder which was bonded or sintered to the
inside wall.  Then when the reactor was open, a few of the wall particles
became dislodged and became part of the ash.  These were not necessarily
transmuted from the fuel, because I believe we only saw some consumable
powder (probably the hydride) and maybe some obfuscation Ni powder.  The
point is that what was put in was not representative of the active fuel -
it is a clue, but not statistically representative of the active portion of
the fuel.  Obviously this is an opinion.  Given the high temperature, none
of what Rossi originally put in would have come back out, except perhaps
some small amount of the Ni that had collected in a colder spot in the
reaction tube.  What more likely came out were small pieces that had flaked
off of the sides of the reactor tube due to thermal expansion mismatch as
it was heated and cooled, that were in the tube before he put in the ~1g of
consumables taken to be the fuel.

I don't know that he put in enough powder to ever plug up a 4 mm hole.  The
big agglomerate of Ni in the ash was about 0.5mm.


On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 6:28 PM, David Roberson <> wrote:

> Bob, how would we explain the appearance of the ash material that was
> extracted from the tube?   According to the testers the device can operate
> at higher powers than they experienced which would certainly lead to
> complete melting of the nickel.  What are the chances that some of the
> other materials in the fuel mix might result in 'slag' that prevents the
> Nickel crystals from growing very large.
> It would seem likely for the condensing nickel to form a blockage of the
> small interior channel into which the fuel was inserted.  If that happened,
> the amount of material that could be analyzed would be quite limited.
> That might explain the large amount of Ni62 if the sample were constricted
> to the material near the end cap and not an average.
> I asked about the amount of material that was collected as ash from which
> the samples were drawn and do not recall getting an answer.
> One last comment.  If the true temperature of the fuel reached the level
> that the IR measurements suggested then I would be very surprised to find
> that a gram was extracted after the test was completed.  Local melting and
> crystallization would very likely plug up the charging hole in several
> locations.
> Just my thoughts.
> Dave

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