OK ... I re-read the paper more carefully. 

They only recorded data when the steam temperature was above 101C at 
atmospheric pressure, with actual steam temperatures rising from 121.3C to 
So it MUST have been 100% dry, and super-heated -- no need to measure the 

(OK : I could quibble a little, that the boiling point depends on the actual 
atmospheric pressure, or at least corrected for altitude.) 

I ran this through my steam calculator. They took water from two tanks, at 
slightly different temperatures --- starting at 21.6C and 22.4C, and ending at 
54.9 and 46.8 so I used the highest value of 54.9 

The time of the test is not given, so I set it to a nominal 1 hour. 

First, using their conservative values -- reducing the amount of water used (to 
2295kg) and not counting the heating of the steam (Quality=1) 

This gives a COP of 11.081 -- which is close to their value. (The energy to 
heat he water to boiling, and then to superheat it is very small compared to 
the evaporation). 


However, their procedure complicates things : they apparently return the water 
straight back to the same tank, so it actually rises from 21.6 to a final value 
of 54.4 and a highest value of 54.9 (and similarly for the second tank). As the 
inlet water temperature rises, so does the steam temperature. 

They use the highest temperature values in their calculations, so they again 
under-estimate the COP. 

To try and estimate the true COP, I divided the time and water flow by 100, and 
then used the start and end temperature values. (In each case I use the highest 
temperature of the two tanks -- I could use a weighted average.), and the full 
volume of water. This still assumes that all the generator power goes into 

This gave a COP of 13.2 at the start, and 12.7 at the end 

So I'd say that the actual COP is around 13 

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