Hugh Perkins wrote:
msvcrt.dll is the old <> dll, msvcr71.dll is the
.net dll
The import libraries have teh same name in each case (msvcrt.lib,
msvcprt.lib) but point towards a differently named dll, one of those
above, depending on the compiler version.
This, from
is noteworthy:
What is the difference between msvcrt.dll and msvcr71.dll?
The msvcrt.dll is now a "known DLL," meaning that it is a system
component owned and built by Windows. It is intended for future use
only by system-level components. An application should use and
redistribute msvcr71.dll, and it should avoid placing a copy or using
an existing copy of msvcr71.dll in the system directory. Instead, the
application should keep a copy of msvcr71.dll in its application
directory with the program executable. Any application built with
Visual C++ .NET using the /MD switch will necessarily use msvcr71.dll.
Well that's annoying. So why bother with msvcr71.dll at all? Why not
just build with /MT instead and pull in the static library? What does
using the DLL runtime buy you?
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