On 2/2/07, S Mattison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You mean those penguins are actually three millimeters tall? Omg, 
> MicroPenguins!

but they're fierce little buggers! You should see how they treat the notrons :).

I always talk in meters for ease of conceptualisation but really I
just mean numbers: dimensionless units. When talking about
representation, accuracy etc it is the size of the numbers (position
relative to origin) and size relative to precision that matters, ...
plus other things unique to geometry...

> > [Notice that we never specify what the units in VOS are. We can call
> > them "notrons" in honor of an original collaborator in the project :)
> > As a de-facto convention they would probably be meters in most worlds,
> > and TerAngreal's default walking speed is roughly based on that, but
> > they don't have to be meters if you don't want to.]
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