The Inquirer article mentions the GPL but I can't find any indication of 
licensing terms on Sun's own Project Darkstar page, except for the SDK 
download which appears to be a very restrictive "non-commercial" 
license.  They say "open source" right on the first page, but I can't 
find any indication that they actually mean it.

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 09:27:49AM -0700, HEBLACK, J wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 09:57 -0400, Peter Amstutz wrote:
> > It's potentially interesting, although the details seem a bit thin at 
> > the moment -- there doesn't seem to be any obvious documentation on its 
> > architechture.  It's also non-free software (in the GNU/FSF sense) which 
> > is a drag.
> Well here is maybe a better "vaporware" article which talks of darkstar
> in terms of GNU and C++ and assembly wrappers:
> Sun talks about Darkstar cunning plan

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
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[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ ]
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