I agree 150% because I begged for that clean up.  The unfortunate reality
was the people designing the Schema weren't that experienced with Schema
design OR XML and they did some ill-conceived things.  Schema was very new
when they started (else RELAX would have been a better choice but it didn't
exist then).  Because I wrote the first DTD for VRML, the geometry straw
man, I watched with horror as the Schema progressed, but because I was
working for Intergraph where VRML and 3D on the web had been dismissed out
of hand and *with prejudice*, there wasn't much I could do to be forceful.

I'm just saying the Schema per se isn't the problem.  You could ignore that.
It is the resulting warts in the instance that make it a PIA for loaders or
transforms.  I understand the disgust with CDATA.  Microparsing is a
solution for some problems but bad juju overall.

There is a reason I, a markup wonk if ever there was one, stick to Classic
VRML and VRML97.  I will move on to X3D because eventually I will need some
of the new features like Inlines with interfaces and bits like the Keyboard
Sensor, the upcoming Network Sensor and the physics engine, or the
Nice-to-Haves like the Boolean Sequencer that I can replicate in script but
a node is easier.  For now, I am building in VRML97 where the weather suits
my clothes.

Didn't mean to interrupt this fine design process.  Back to the lurk.  Best
of luck with VOS.  It should be quite cool.


On Behalf Of Peter Amstutz
My basic complaint with X3D was that the transition to XML could have 
been an opportunity to clean up a lot of the syntactical warts of VRML 
(delimiting index face sets with -1, for example) while still keeping 
the basic data model.  We could have had a schema that follows the best 
practices for XML document design, follows XML data types, etc and would 
have been a breeze for developers to support.  Instead, they choose to 
do a translation that amounted to little more than replacing curly 
brackets with pointy ones.

Having written a minimalist X3D loader (just geometry) it irked me that 
I had parsing issues -- Parsing Issues, in XML! -- between files 
produced by two different programs because of the extra syntax embedded 
in CDATA that wasn't part of the DOM structure.

I'm not saying it doesn't work, it is primarily an aesthetic issue -- 
but it does cause headaches for developers.

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