Posted at:,180,185#msg-185
reed wrote:

lalo Wrote:
> It's not up to me, but I'd do a more "testing" r1
> (r0?) earlier, maybe as 

A second "preview" release, similar to the one Pete made a little while ago 
with the user interface client, you mean?  Sure, might be good.  Let's add it 
and if we are able to do that, we can, and if we don't feel like it's worth it, 
skip it.

> On the other hand, some things that are in your r2
> will be there in r1 in 
> summer, or even "r0" in spring, because I'm
> working on them 
> hypervos is already alive and kicking in the form
> of an Apache mod_vos;
> And the first scripting language
> will be there a week 
> after Peter adds marshaling (which language that
> will be depends greatly 
> on my mood that week, though).
> maybe I'd sort them differently :-)

Go ahead and update the wiki page (


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