Hi everyone, hope this'll become a follow-up of
If it doesn't don't kill me ;)

I have a problem with my Alix 1.D board with the newest Voyage on in
(lenny). The LED modules are all in the kernel, I can do things like
"echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/alix\:1/brightness"
so all seems to be in order. Only that the LED doesn't light up :]
After sending a '1' to the 'file' I can even read it and it says '1'. When I
send '0' I read '0' so all is OK. Only the LED doesn't shine ;)
I've tried with all three LEDs (aren't there four by the way?)

I can't really see why this shouldn't work. Maybe it's not compatible with
1.D which has an Award BIOS? Maybe something in the BIOS need tweaking? All
ideas will be appreciated :)

Best regards,

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