> You're correct about Miami from OS3.5, but please let us know how you
> went about getting online through BT, I was in contact with them re.
> this, but was advised that at least a 486/win3.1+ was required to
> handle the software, also, they didn't support Amiga, although a PC
> emulator is possible.  I'd like to know, since I'm ready to give up on
> NC3.

Sigh-o-rama. NetConnect is simply a name given to a collection of software,
nothing whatsoever to do with 'how you connect to your ISP'. ie. the entire
suite of software (11 programs) does not prevent you from making a

Using BT's PC software would, amazing although this seems, require a PC.

Also, is there any particular reason why you are desperate to connect to BT
Internet and /only/ BT Internet?


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