> On 29-Mar-00, Ben Preece wrote:

> + What's your biggest problem with V?
Printing any pages to laser printers, and the fact that
the printout is pretty bad compared to the iMacs I use at
our school... yes they are printing to PostScript, but I
DO have a postscript printer here at home!  I have not
managed to get anything close to what I would consider

+ What has been the best improvement or addition in the last year?
Flash plugin, I guess, and the speed increases and reliability
> + If you decide to use IBrowse instead of V, why is that?
I use IBrowse 80% of the time *MOSTLY* because the screen
images are far, *far* superior... I can even tell what the
danged things are... I often cannot even guess what I am
looking at with V or AW!!!... (on my 8 colour system.)

IBrowse works like a charm in that area!

Yes, I do have an ECS system, and probably will for at
least a year more!  Not all of us can afford the PPC
and graphics systems I see listed with some of the
.sigs.  Some people must have rich relatives... mine
are all dead, and they died broke!  : (((

> + What feature is your biggest want?

Javascript without any errors; to be able to go anywhere
that my Pentium can, with the ease that makes an Amiga
the OS it is!

> + Have you got any general comments about the way we develop V?

NOTHING negative!!!!  IN spite of my whining about the lack of
good image rendering, I do like a lot about V... MOSTLY, though,
I absolutely love the effort and attitude you all seem to *keep*
*up* even when we grumps out here cry and cry and cry after you
have spent 123,456,001.44 hours on the program, and seem to be
only negative about it anyway.

We Amigan's seem to be like that.  : ((

I would like to make it official, at least from me, that I thank
you from the bottom of my heart and soul for your support of the
Amiga.  Without people like you, my favourite machine would be
pushing up daisies!!!

You deserve some sort of award... 

However, so do the other Amiga supporting programmers.  YOU a..
are a very special, wonderful group of people!!!!

... *AND* so are the support staff you have collecting all the
bugs and handling the complaints from this peanut gallary...

: )


         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gil Knutson's Pride and Joy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                [EMAIL PROTECTED] - OS3.5 - Sardis, BC, Canada
   A3000/30/2+16 RAM + 240 meg Quantum + 1.06 gig Seagate + ZIP Drive
        MFCardIII+GVC 56k Speakerphone+Lexmark 4039 10R w/16meg
      THOR2.6, MUI3.8, MWB, Voyager3, AmIRC 2.0, AmFTP 1.65 (all reg)
         ~~~~~~~~~~~ The Amiga Shall Inherit the Earth ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will
    pick himself up and carry on...
                -- Winston Churchill

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