> Hello Gil,
> on 30-Mär-00 you wrote :
> ...snipp [Intro - much about V³, IB and AWeb]
> » And, when I can afford it, I WILL buy AWeb... 
> Before you'll do so, buy a gfx-board. ;-)

> Does your Pentium also run on an 8 color screen
> or perhaps the iMac? ;-)
> [Not really ment as an offence.]
> To be serious, you can't expect an computer
> with an 10 year old gfx-system to be up to date,
> therefor you have to accepts shortcuts.
> BTW, I don't expect to surf the net with my
> old Apple computers, so...

You're new to the list aren't you ? 
every now and then Gil speaks about his 8color miga and there's always
someone to tell him 'buy a gfx card' (generally it's Shane :)..
Then there is a thread about 'when you can', 'low end machines should or  
shouldn't'... 'aga is the past' and so on...

What I suggest is just continue to be positive, and let Gil
browse the web whith his 8color miga... and consult the archive
for all the good reason to behave like this..

Gil I'm not trying to bug you, but someday I've the weird impression
I've already lived that..


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