On 10-Apr-00, Robyn & Steve wrote:
> Hello Peter On 10-Apr-00, you wrote:

>> Also, I just tried the APDF plugin whilst Offline, tried to load
>> the test.pdf file, and got a blank screen. Same thing with
>> Miami.pdf. Hmmm, I'll try it whilst Online shortly. Anyone else
>> have any luck???

> Same here... :(


BUT, I just wanted to give extreme thanks. FINALLY
control/alt/shift/amiga keys don't try to go 'forward' and mess up the
URL gadget plus other things. Finally I can use amiga-m to flip
screen away from V again! Thank you so much!

|  -- Samy Merchi | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://mash.yok.utu.fi  |
|  Reader & fan of superhero comics; writer of superhero fanfiction  |
|  Female supremacist; anarchist; personal pacifist; mass darwinist  |

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