--- Herbert Poetzl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 02:22:14PM -0800, Martin
> Fick wrote:
> > > From: Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > 
> > > ...I also have an identically configured second
> such machine.
> > > Apart from /usr/local/etc/vservers/ is there
> > > anything else I should synch?
> >  
> > You could also use drbd and heartbeat to do the
> > mirroring and have active failover of your
> > vserver!  I use a custom heartbeat script for
> > vservers to do this, seems to work well,
> well, maybe you want to share it then, or
> even do some wiki page on how to do this ...

OK, here is a start:


This does not yet have any specifics for drbd, but
rather is an explanation of how one can use heartbeat
to start and stop vservers along with a link to my ocf
script (is there a place for scripts?)  Would more
details about setting up drbd be needed?  I use a
custom ocf script for that too since I could never get
the one delivered with heartbeat to work for more than
one drbd 7 device (not sure this is the right forum
for that)?

Hope it helps,


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