On Sat, May 12, 2007 at 08:20:01PM -0500, Corey Wright wrote:
> On Sat, 12 May 2007 17:36:24 +0200
> Herbert Poetzl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, May 12, 2007 at 09:13:19AM +0200, Jan Zuchhold wrote:
> > > The problem is caused by running out of space on /tmp. 
> > > You mount that on tmpfs, specified in fstab in the 
> > > vserver-config dir:
> > > >>>>
> > > none   /tmp            tmpfs   size=16m,mode=1777      0 0
> > > >>>>
> > > If you remove or comment-out this line (or increase 
> > > the size), it works.
> > 
> > nice one, tx, btw, 16MB for /tmp should be more
> > than sufficient for properly written programs,
> > (larger temporary files go to /var/tmp)
> i must respectfully disagree.  i have never heard of such 
> a rule and the FHS 
> (http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#VARTMPTEMPORARYFILESPRESERVEDBETWEE)
> doesn't include that justification either.

no, actually the FHS doesn't tell anything about large
vs. small files and /tmp vs /var/tmp, except for the
fact the /var/tmp must not be deleted on boot :)

but it is 'common practice' that /tmp is often kept
in memory and thus only provides limited space compared
to ~/tmp or /var/tmp ... YMMV

> and that is why i am on record as saying:
> > btw, i hate that useless default 16 MB tmpfs mount within the guests
> > and removing it from /etc/vservers/guest/fstab is one of the first
> > things i do upon creating a new guest.
> - http://www.paul.sladen.org/vserver/archives/200702/0014.html

well, the mount is not really useless, on the contrary,
it can reduce the overall I/O bandwidth significantly,
and thus improve system performance ... but of course,
everybody is free to resize or remove it ...

> when i last cared to check which directory applications used for
> temporary files (to insure libpam-tmpdir, "automatic per-user
> temporary directories", was effective) i only ever saw used "/tmp"
> (hard-coded unfortunately), TMP, or TMPDIR and those variables do not
> distinguish between maximum temporary file size.

you must be using very old software ...

$ mktemp 

> i consider this the only "wart" of linux-vserver.

feel free to remove it for your installations ...


> corey
> -- 
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