I used to do all the Mac stuff for Networx, before iiNet bought them out. A 
customer would call Networx with a Mac problem, and Networx would just refer 
the person to me. Then iiNet bought out Networx, and the referrals stopped.

I've tried numerous times over the last two years to get a similar thing going, 
but iiNet just aren't interested. They just don't want any outside Mac 
expertise. One of the best ways to offend a Mac user is to send a Windows 
person out, and that person tries to guess his/her way around the Mac there and 
then. I frequently get to undo the mistakes that these people make, but that's 
what iiNet insists on doing. Seeing FreePPP on the latest Mac OS 9.2.2 is 
always good for a quick laugh.

Heck, WAMUG had offered free Mac training for iiNet staff, but that offer was 
ignored, for a long time. By the time that someone in iiNet had the brain cells 
to respond to the offer, we had ditched iiNet for web hosting and gone to 
Highway 1 (with much better service since). Of course, WAMUG kept getting $1200 
bills from iiNet for web hosting, and eventually we were locked out of the web 
site for non payment. This web hosting was meant to be free, in exchange for 
the Mac training.

The fact is that iiNet just aren't fussed about the Mac market, and Mac users 
get turfed aside and ignored. I have also found this personally, when iiNet has 
failed to explain to me why emails to my (iiNet hosted) domain name 
occasionally bounce, and why I couldn't connect to iiNet when I was over east 
early last year (ie their "Roaming" service did not work on either a PowerBook 
G3/233 or G3/333).

(not expecting any Chrismas cards from iiNet this year)

> > But iinet techies are doing this, telling people of lack of Mac
>> compatability, I got told this yesterday. Techi said they had one person
>> on a Mac, but it wasn't working well. So, good to hear that it isn't a
>> problem.
>The iiNet techs generally don't have a clue. There are a few of them that
>know Mac's but most of the ones that don't believe linux is the savoir of
>the world are hooked on Windows.


Sent from the Apple PowerBook G4 of:
Phillip McGree Web:     http://www.phil.net.au
Perth, Western Australia        http://chat.iinet.net.au
Mobile Phone: 0418 922 500      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macs for sale - new and secondhand      http://mac.iinet.net.au