Lara Hopkins wrote:

Ah - I might not be able to help you too much then. Is there any
reason you're not running OS X? I only ask because iinet support OS X
for their Bliink product, and doesn't support OS 9 (so I'm not too
surprised that you haven't had much help from them).

Is this true? iinet asked me what OS I was using and did not tell me they only support OS X.

I do not wish to use OS X as I am addicted to a few old programs, I have not tried them in Classic. I recently bought Office 2001 but Word 5.1a still runs faster and does all I want, it also does one thing which I can't do in later versions. Also I just want to get on with the things I like to do and it will take time to master a new system at my age (66) as the little grey cells are not as active as before.

NB: Bottom posting as suggested by the very helpful Onno. I have not had time to try his or Lara's suggestions but I shall when I get back from the physiotherapist (aged body parts failing too).
