Sorry for the top posting but I like to see the reply to the question I have
already asked - I don't want to read it again or scroll through it to the

Having got that off my chest ...


I can only suggest that you take a systematic approach to solving this
problem. Get some software that will allow you to ping - IPNetmonitor as
suggested by Onno or my preference MacTCP Watcher. The latter is free, I'm
not sure about the former.

Assuming you are using a direct Ethernet connection, follow these steps and
post the results here, then we can help further;

1. Open the TCPIP control panel and record the IP address (and mask), DNS
or Name server address and router/gateway address. Then close the control
panel. If you do not have any of these then your connection won't work. If
any of them are wrong then the connection won't work or will be erratic at

2. Open the application that lets you ping and ping the router/gateway
address. This should be (must be) the ADSL modem. If you have success here
then the first leg of the journey is working. If not, you have a local
connectivity problem that may be physical (cable not working, modem port
broken or Mac Ethernet port broken) or configuration (TCPIP settings wrong).

3. If 2 works then try pinging the DNS or name server address. If this
works then you should, in theory, be able to use name resolution as
described by Onno in one of his replies ie. You can use names like instead of the IP address.

4. Then try pinging further afield like the address Onno supplied or ping
our DNS server here at Perth iX ( or



on 1/7/02 7:01 PM, Diana & Graham Stevens at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> We have switched to ADSL, we remained with iinet because we wanted to
> retain our email address which is in a number of hard copy
> publications. What a mistake!
> The problem is that although the ADSL connection appears to be
> successful to the people at iinet and the IP address etc are assigned
> it does not work. Neither Netscape nor Eudora can find the server or
> any other address tried.
> When iinet tried to 'ping' the address it did not work, ie it is a
> dead connection. I have looked at the connection log and the ADSL
> connection is recorded as well as this mornings dial up.
> Can anyone suggest what is wrong please.
> iinet want me to take my Mac in to them to fiddle with but I am not
> keen to do this!
> Diana
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