On 04/06/2003 11:37, "Murdoch Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> on 4/6/03 9:57 AM, Daniel Forsdyke at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Thanks Bob
>> I tried SCSIProbe 5.2, but it keeps coming up with "This version of
>> SCSIProbe requires Apple SCSI Manager 4.3". I had a search for this last
>> night but could not find it.
>> I also tried "SCSI Find Devices" but it kept coming up "error -192" when I
>> double clicked on the program icon.
>> I then found and tried "Marathon SCSI Utility" and tried that. That shows
>> the hard drive is at SCSI ID 7 and the CD ROM is at SCSI ID 3, but when I
>> tried to test or verify the HD it keeps saying things like "sector failed"
>> as it does it's tests.
>> I have the feeling the HD is dead!!
>> Regards
>> Daniel F.
>> On 03/06/2003 17:00, "Bob Howells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Daniel
>>> It seems like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place !
>>> Try this : -
>>> Get a copy of scsi probe and save to a floppy.
>>> Start up with your cd and then insert the floppy.
>>> Hopefully you will then be able to access the App ' scsi probe "
>>> off the floppy.
>>> Run it and see what it says !
>>> Sending you a copy of scsiprobe direct mail
>>> Bob
>>> Daniel Forsdyke wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> As some of you may remember I recently asked for Mac OS 7 software to get
>>>> this antique running.
>>>> Thanks to Warren I have a Mac OS 7.6 CD which starts the machine. This has
>>>> presented another problem.
>>>> The hard disk is not showing on the desktop. According to Mactracker the
>>>> machine has a SCSI HD of 80 - 160 MB.
>>>> I can see a hard drive behind the removable back panel but cannot work out
>>>> how to remove it (short if dismantling the entire machine), also I am
>>>> unsure
>>>> as to what I should look for in relation to why the hard disk is not
>>>> recognised.
>>>> I tried using disk utility on the CD and was told that it could not detect
>>>> an SCSI drives!!
>>>> Any ideas as to what might be going on, and what I might be able to do to
>>>> get it working.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Daniel F.
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> SCSI id 7 is used by the CPU the hard drive should be either ID 0 or 1

Thanks Murdoch

I just got SCSI Probe 3.5 running and found out that fact for myself. Time
to dismantle the LC is upon us.

Daniel F.