On 04/01/2005, at 4:35 AM, Peter Sealy wrote:

I have a couple of questions on this topic which I consider may be relevant to several members.

Often I see a request for help appear on the list for which I think I would also like to see the answer. Not that I am having the same problem at that time but because the topic interests me or I think it may be one to store away for future use. After several days when no answer appears on the list I just assume that the request was answered directly to the OP or that noone knew the answer. Sometimes the OP will send an email to the list thanking those members who helped him/her off list but often such acknowledgement does not contain the solution to the problem.

Is it OK to the list guardians if someone follows up an original request for help asking to also be included in any answer? Or should that someone approach the OP directly off list and ask to be copied any responses which they may receive?


Peter Sealy

The intent of this list is twofold
1.      To provide a medium for communication

2.      To act as a resource for people with problems
        To this end there is a search facility to help find relevant info.

It does not work to its best when / if the person asking for answers does not reply to the list showing the successful result with the remedy that achieved that.

So neither of Peter's 2 last questions should apply ! Let's just get the remedies
fed back to the list .............. please !
