On 06/11/2005, at 9:50 PM, Rob Findlay wrote:

Dowloand YASU http://www.jimmitchelldesigns.com/yasu.html
Check everything, run, restart.
General slowdown can be caused by a buildup of cache files or log files,
this program does a good basic spring clean of these things.

Which if the machine has been left on, as has been hinted at. Apple and the GNU originators of programs has various cronjobs doing just this in the wee hours of the morning and at 4 in the afternoon.

If you happen to be doing video production or maybe high capacity media files I would suggest running Diskwarrior over cache, capture drive or all drives at least once a month of course this depends on frequency of media being captured or manipulated.

With 10.4, I would be very careful deleting or cleaning cache files. As these are extremely important to smooth operation of various systems within Tiger. Which if moved or cleaned will slow system down considerably and even cause some weird happenings and malfunctions.

As Shay has suggested activity monitor to see if something is using excess machine or memory.

Worthwhile investigating this site.
