On 09/11/2005, at 8:21 , James Devenish wrote:

The quality is just not there in the Print to PDF option - the
colours are washed out and the lines are jaggy.

That's really bizarre! The Print to PDF option preserves all quality
that the programme offers -- that is why it typically produces "large"
PDFs. In Apple's words: "Save AS PDF creates a digital master PDF file.
All graphics are at full resolution and the file includes each font
character it uses."

This is not unprecedented. In Word (both v.X and 2004), EPS files inserted into the document print beautifully (to a postscript printer), but only show as low-res previews on screen. Print to PDF saves a PDF containing the low-res preview.

Recently, when you choose "Save PDF as PostScript", rather than "Save PDF", you get a full-quality PDF file. May be worth a try from your CAD program too.

The Apple print to PDF won't recognise custom page sizes.

This is probably an application-specific problem (not that that helps you). I have seen a colleague of mine print an A0 PDF from Pages. Make sure that Page Setup reflects the paper size you want to print to.
