Hi WAMUGers,

I did a scan today using ClamXav 1.0.1 .... and ... yikes .... 2 Infected Files.
I've never had this happen before.
From what I can find out about the HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 it's a
Sounds very serious.
Has someone tried to get my Bank Account Details?

I have Trashed the Two Files !
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------
Scan started: Sun Feb 26 13:46:28 2006

/Users/ronni/Library/Caches/Safari/01/00/3729113369-3986401291.cache: HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 FOUND /Users/ronni/Library/Caches/Safari/13/00/2171875289-3523061511.cache: HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 FOUND

-- summary --
Known viruses: 45420
Engine version: 0.86.2
Scanned directories: 5170
Scanned files: 25365
Infected files: 2
Data scanned: 19216.02 MB
Time: 9070.693 sec (151 m 10 s)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

Thanks for any information as to How & Why did has happened on my G4 PowerBook OSX10.4.5.

Car'n The Pies