
Not sure about that particular virus, however a tool I use is Little Snitch. It reports on outbound connection requests, the idea being if an application wants to send some data to an external site, you are told about it and get to approve/deny the request. If a trojan did install, collect details and try to send off site, you might have a chance of detecting it with a tool like this and denying the outbound send. Its a pity the default firewall config in OS X doesn't let you set up outbound permissions (I think it can be used this way if you know the ins and outs of firewall configuration).


On 26/02/2006, at 4:48 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi WAMUGers,

I did a scan today using ClamXav 1.0.1 .... and ... yikes .... 2 Infected Files.
I've never had this happen before.
From what I can find out about the HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 it's a
Sounds very serious.
Has someone tried to get my Bank Account Details?

I have Trashed the Two Files !
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Scan started: Sun Feb 26 13:46:28 2006

/Users/ronni/Library/Caches/Safari/ 01/00/3729113369-3986401291.cache: HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 FOUND /Users/ronni/Library/Caches/Safari/ 13/00/2171875289-3523061511.cache: HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 FOUND

-- summary --
Known viruses: 45420
Engine version: 0.86.2
Scanned directories: 5170
Scanned files: 25365
Infected files: 2
Data scanned: 19216.02 MB
Time: 9070.693 sec (151 m 10 s)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

Thanks for any information as to How & Why did has happened on my G4 PowerBook OSX10.4.5.

Car'n The Pies

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