Hi Neil,

OK, one last try to correct this problem of Importing CD's unmounting in iTunes 8.0.1. ;o)

From what I can find out searching the Internet, It seems that cleaning of the "Previous iTunes Libraries" is the solution.

Download & install Onyx v.1.9.9 for Leopard OSX 10.5. or later: < http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/system_disk_utilities/onyx.html >

1. Under "Maintenance" tab, "Rebuild" subtab, click the following checkboxes: "LaunchServices" and "dyld's shared cache" and then run the "Execute" button.

2. Under "Cleaning" tab, "System" had everything checked, "User" had everything but Audio Units checked, "Internet" had the first four items checked (Browsers Cache, Download Cache, Browsers History, Recent Searches), "Fonts" had only "System and Users" checked, "Logs" had only "Log Files," "System Archived Logs," and "CrashReporter Logs" checked, and finally "Misc" had everything checked including "Previous iTunes Libraries" and then run "Execute" again.

Most of those checkboxes were already selected (mostly by default).

It seems that the cleaning of the "Previous iTunes Libraries" is the solution.


On 10/11/2008, at 2:03 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Just a follow up - the problem is back :(

Again, it's not a big issue - it's just a case of waiting a few seconds to confirm that the import has started before going back to my other activities
and, if not remounting the disc. But it is a bit annoying!


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 10/11/08 12:47 PM, Neil Houghton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Ronni,

Sorry for the previous premature reply - put it down to a senior moment ;)

- Yes, I'm using iTunes 8.0.1.

- I hadn't thought of the preferences because it wasn't a problem that occurred and then stayed - sometimes lots of discs seem to unmount, then sometimes it imports first time for many CDs - I can't seem to see any
pattern to it.

- However, since you have suggested it, I've given it a go. I had to go through the preferences again - not only import settings but also pointing it to my music folder (on a separate disc partition) - I had a minor panic when it told me it wanted to move things to their correct position (since
that's where they already were) but that seemed to go OK.

I have since imported a few more CDs with no problem - but given the nature
of the problem it is too early to know if it is fixed or not.

Anyway, thanks for the idea Ronni - I've got my fingers crossed & I will let
you know how it is going down the track.



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