Must be close to exhaustive Travis. Thanks.

A note at this page < viewlocale=en_US> says ...

"Note: Updated versions of Mac OS X like 10.4.11 and 10.5 will show the batteryupdater.bundle as version 1.3. This is normal and does not indicate the wrong update was installed on the computer. When running the newer OS version, the battery will be automatically updated to the proper update if one has not previously been installed."

My batteryupdater.bundle file does show 1.3. But I find this note a little ambiguous. Is it saying then that I don't need to do an update? I assume so. Anyway, I've emailed an Apple service centre and explained the problem, pointing them to that page about replacement qualifications. I seem to fall into the third bullet point category, with a cycle count of 274.

Thanks Diane for the link to Entourage scripts.

Cheers, Steven

On 06/02/2009, at 5:06 PM, Travis Hansen wrote:

This is a very common problem.
There's heaps to try:
Calibrate battery (as James said):
Battery Firmware update:  (depending on
your model)
See if you qualify for new battery:
Check battery for "bulging" - Read this WAMUG thread from 29 Jan 09:
MacBook Pro Battery Warning (finished one)
This list is probably not exhaustive. Good luck.

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