
Safari used to crash on me also but this clue below (I think from Ronda) got it going again..

"Do you have any third party plugins installed that might be incompatible? Safari Enhancer (which only works with Safari 2). Asking Safari Enhancer to restore default settings will allow Safari 3 to launch.

If you have other third party add ons.
Try moving this file onto your Desktop and retrying:

Hard drive -> /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/

That location applies to all user accounts and is often the cause of crashes with Safari 3 (it's a third party tool used by some developers to add extra functionality to Apple applications)

Input Managers and other plug-ins from third parties can do as much harm as good. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up. If you have installed 10.4.11 and Safari is crashing, the very first thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level Library), log out and log back in, and try again."

This was back in March 2008.



On 08/02/2009, at 7:01 PM, Eugene wrote:

Hi James,

Safari crashes before it can launch far enough to get into the preference panel.


On 08/02/2009, at 5:31 PM, James Devenish wrote:

Hi Eugene,

Safari crashed on me all the time until I turned off 'Warn when
visiting a fraudulent website' in the Security preferences. Seems like
their bug catcher is made of bugs.


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