Hi Barry,

I wonder if your Hard Drive is slow to start because the Power Supply is now not
producing the same current as it used to for Start Spin Up ?

What current rating does it have ?

What make Hard drive is in the enclosure ? Seagate requires more current than eg Western Digital ! ?

Can you substitute a different enclosure to try out , or replace the Power Plug with another ?


On 16/06/2009, at 5:43 PM, Barry Sexstone wrote:


As no-one seems to have any definitive answers I have a number of thing I will try and yours will be one of them if I do not have success before then. It will be a slow process as I will have to wait 24 hrs for each trial. However, it is not a problem per se but more an intriguing behaviour.


On 16/06/2009, at 4:17 PM, James Devenish wrote:

Hi Barry,

In that case, can I suggest Shutting Down your computer tonight and
turning the Firewire drive off, leaving the computer powered off for
at least 8 hours, then starting back up again and resuming normal
procedures. Has the problem gone away? Some people might suggest
resetting ("zapping") your PRAM (find instructions on the web) but
simply leaving your computer turned off may be enough to resettle the
FireWire controller without the side-effects of a PRAM reset.


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