Hello Warwick,

On 05/07/2009, at 12:29 PM, Warwick Gaff wrote:

I sincerely hope your friend recovers from losing her laptop. Not an easy
thing losing something so vital and full of information.

Yes, it is a shocking situation to have to cope with.
Unfortunately she is a Windows User and refused all my warnings about having current backups of her important data.
She was convinced she did not need backup ....
So she lost everything and she was particularly devastated about loosing all her photos.

After speaking with her, she told me that she had only the day before the robbery deleted all the same photos from the computer she uses at her work. So I got her to ask work if I could come in and run a software recovery program on her work computer and see if I could recover her deleted photos. They said I could try, but they did not think I would be able to as someone else had used the computer since she deleted the photos.
The computer had been shutdown and restarted quite a few times.

Well, she was very lucky, I ran the recovery program on the work computer and recovered all her deleted photos. Which I now have on an external drive & also burnt her a DVD. She was overjoyed that she had all her photos back, they were more important to her than the rest of her data.

I only hope she now realises how important it is to have a current "Backup"!

Her Laptop has not been recovered. She is waiting on her Insurance Company to replace it.


17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
OS X 10.5.7

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