You can get composite (red/white/yellow) or component (red/green/blue for video and red/white for audio) connectors from Apple shops. The latter will give the best result if you have the connections on your tv. After market ones are also available from JB HiFi etc. The benefit of the genuine ones is they come with a USB mains plug and cable built in so you are charging at the same time. I have had good results with mine (I got the red/white/yellow) with downloaded AVIs on a 90" screen running through a hard drive recorder to a projector.
RGB is definately better if you want the best result.

On 13/12/2009, at 8:00 AM, Kim Maher wrote:

Hi All

Has anyone achieved or has an idea how to connect a iPhone 3GS 32GB to a TV to watch movies etc? I thank you all in advance.



iMac 24”
Intel Core 2 Duo
MacBook Pro
Intel Core 2 Duo
iPhone 32GB
iPhone 16GB
iTouch 16GB
OS X Snow Leopard

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