> Fine Art Photography from Australia's wild Kimberly coast.

Hey Blitto you love the Kimberley Coast … not Kimberly coast.

Ronni being pedantic ;-)

On 01/06/2010, at 6:44 AM, Rod Blitvich wrote:

> I'll go with him!!!
> :)
> Blitto (who loves a Kimberley adventure  )
> On 01/06/2010, at 12:09 AM, Rob Findlay wrote:
>> Hi people, a friend sent me this recently. My understanding is Apple aren't 
>> that interested in things like this but I figured if anyone knew of a way to 
>> help it would be here.
>> Feel free to email him direct if you have any thoughts.
>>> To Rob Findlay, Team Digital, Perth
>>> From Peter Strain, Photographer giant.ti...@gmail.com
>>> Dear Rob
>>>                You are the only person I know in the Apple echelons, so I 
>>> seek some direction from you.
>>>                I am setting off on a 3 month photographic expedition within 
>>> 4 weeks and my old Toshiba Tecra is a risk because of its age and also it 
>>> doesn't handle HD vision.
>>> So I have to try and upgrade.
>>> I have a good measure of sponsorship and support for the expedition
>>> - Tropical Marine Services are providing a 70 foot expedition vessel and 
>>> skipper for frre
>>> - West Australian Marine Science Institute are putting in $23000 to be able 
>>> to put three scientists with us for  20 days
>>> - Linney's Pearls are providing $20,000 for a film maker from Geo New Media 
>>> to come on board with the scientists and make a doco about my work and the 
>>> interaction with the scientists.
>>> - Am still hanging out for two other sponsors to approve support with 
>>> upgrades to some Canon SLR equipment and lenses
>>> But I can't get money for computer upgrade. And my personal resources are 
>>> stretched to the limit.
>>> I want to go to Final cut pro because of its ability to handle the HD 
>>> formats I will be using with video from the new Canon SLR bodies and from 
>>> the underwater cameras..  I will be using the Canons as HD 1080p movie 
>>> cameras as well as for stills. The focus is on the stills work, but I will 
>>> shoot HD video as well (because I can).  The Geo New Media crew will bring 
>>> their own HD gear on board, but I will supply them with the 'blue chip' 
>>> close-up macro work, time lapses and general coastal image of when they are 
>>> not aboard.
>>> Two things
>>> - what is the minimum hardware and software I can get away with at the 
>>> moment on Apple? I won't be editing long form in the field, but will need 
>>> to edit some short pieces and be able to create 'hold take' reels.
>>> - if I can beg, borrow or steal a MAc from somewhere for the three months - 
>>> at least I will have ingested to hard drives with material that I can work 
>>> with on Final Cut Pro when I can afford a machine after the expedition.
>>> - Do you know of any program or route that Apple could lend a machine as 
>>> sponsorship?
>>> I have become quite 'sponsorable' for my stills photography over the last 
>>> couple of years. Australian Geographic has been good to me with three runs 
>>> now, including the last one that I got to write as well as photograph.  
>>> They just told me that my work is to be included in a coffee table glossy 
>>> book they are putting out to celebrate 25 years of great Australian 
>>> photography. Also Photo Review Australia ran a five page feature on my work 
>>> at the beginning of the year. It's that article that brought about the 
>>> offer of the expedition vessel from Tropical Marine Services.
>>> The vessel already has Apple gear on the bridge. Given that someone else is 
>>> making a doco about me - we could ensure good product placement. I am a 
>>> well qualified broadcast producer and editor and would do Apple proud if I 
>>> could access some gear for the project period.
>>> There is a website "Fine Art Photography from remote shores" that I have 
>>> set up to present the project as it evolves. It is a groundbreaking project 
>>> that is already getting a lot of attention. It will get good coverage. I 
>>> will have some idea of the Australian Geographic  articles over the next 12 
>>> months generated from this.  The current issue is 'just being put to bed' 
>>> and then The photo editor and story editor will work through my 
>>> suggestions.  So I should be in a good position to pitch to an appropriate 
>>> person for IT support at the end of the week.
>>> There will be a series of exhibitions of the collection after the 
>>> expedition. I can create video interstitials of Apple media working in the 
>>> field.
>>> This will undoubtedly be the most interesting and extensive display of 
>>> photographs and media materials of Australia's remote Kimberley coast 
>>> available at completion. An announcement of Heritage Listing for the 
>>> Kimberley coast is due very soon.
>>> If you have any thoughts on my equipment needs - ie suggestions; or know of 
>>> any process or contacts to approach Apple for some support - it would be 
>>> greatly appreciated.
>>> Hope you are well.
>>> Kind regards

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