I should be sent back there to learn how to spell it Ronni!

On Tue Jun 1 8:29 , Ronda Brown sent:

Fine Art Photography from Australia's wild Kimberly coast.

Hey Blitto you love the Kimberley Coast … not Kimberly coast.

Ronni being pedantic ;-)

On 01/06/2010, at 6:44 AM, Rod Blitvich wrote:

I'll go with him!!!
Blitto (who loves a Kimberley adventure  )

On 01/06/2010, at 12:09 AM, Rob Findlay wrote:

Hi people, a friend sent me this recently. My understanding is Apple aren't that interested in things like this but I figured if anyone knew of a way to help it would be here.
Feel free to email him direct if you have any thoughts.

To Rob Findlay, Team Digital, Perth
>From Peter Strain, Photographer giant.ti...@gmail.com

Dear Rob
               You are the only person I know in the Apple echelons, so I seek some direction from you.
               I am setting off on a 3 month photographic expedition within 4 weeks and my old Toshiba Tecra is a risk because of its age and also it doesn't handle HD vision.

So I have to try and upgrade.

I have a good measure of sponsorship and support for the expedition
- Tropical Marine Services are providing a 70 foot expedition vessel and skipper for frre
- West Australian Marine Science Institute are putting in $23000 to be able to put three scientists with us for  20 days
- Linney's Pearls are providing $20,000 for a film maker from Geo New Media to come on board with the scientists and make a doco about my work and the interaction with the scientists.
- Am still hanging out for two other sponsors to approve support with upgrades to some Canon SLR equipment and lenses

But I can't get money for computer upgrade. And my personal resources are stretched to the limit.

I want to go to Final cut pro because of its ability to handle the HD formats I will be using with video from the new Canon SLR bodies and from the underwater cameras..  I will be using the Canons as HD 1080p movie cameras as well as for stills. The focus is on the stills work, but I will shoot HD video as well (because I can).  The Geo New Media crew will bring their own HD gear on board, but I will supply them with the 'blue chip' close-up macro work, time lapses and general coastal image of when they are not aboard.

Two things
- what is the minimum hardware and software I can get away with at the moment on Apple? I won't be editing long form in the field, but will need to edit some short pieces and be able to create 'hold take' reels.
- if I can beg, borrow or steal a MAc from somewhere for the three months - at least I will have ingested to hard drives with material that I can work with on Final Cut Pro when I can afford a machine after the expedition.
- Do you know of any program or route that Apple could lend a machine as sponsorship?

I have become quite 'sponsorable' for my stills photography over the last couple of years. Australian Geographic has been good to me with three runs now, including the last one that I got to write as well as photograph.  They just told me that my work is to be included in a coffee table glossy book they are putting out to celebrate 25 years of great Australian photography. Also Photo Review Australia ran a five page feature on my work at the beginning of the year. It's that article that brought about the offer of the expedition vessel from Tropical Marine Services.

The vessel already has Apple gear on the bridge. Given that someone else is making a doco about me - we could ensure good product placement. I am a well qualified broadcast producer and editor and would do Apple proud if I could access some gear for the project period.

There is a website "Fine Art Photography from remote shores" that I have set up to present the project as it evolves. It is a groundbreaking project that is already getting a lot of attention. It will get good coverage. I will have some idea of the Australian Geographic  articles over the next 12 months generated from this.  The current issue is 'just being put to bed' and then The photo editor and story editor will work through my suggestions.  So I should be in a good position to pitch to an appropriate person for IT support at the end of the week.

There will be a series of exhibitions of the collection after the expedition. I can create video interstitials of Apple media working in the field.

This will undoubtedly be the most interesting and extensive display of photographs and media materials of Australia's remote Kimberley coast available at completion. An announcement of Heritage Listing for the Kimberley coast is due very soon.

If you have any thoughts on my equipment needs - ie suggestions; or know of any process or contacts to approach Apple for some support - it would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you are well.

Kind regards

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