
Thats actually handy info, as all I had done was put a list of Months down with 
no Year identifier (Jan, Feb etc as opposed to Jan 11, Feb 11)
Excel must of just taken it as text rather then realise it was a date


On 22/06/2011, at 3:17 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

> Hi Ash and Ronnie
> Thanks very much for your reply on this.
> Yes Ash, I am using a bar chart, I should have said that, with date on the 
> x-axis and numbers on the y. The dates are pretty much continuous for sept 
> 07, then a gap of two months and then 3 weeks in december and Jan 08 then a 
> big gap until July 23 08 when it is continuous until Sept 1. Excel has filled 
> in the gaps with the missing days and I can get rid of them.
> Ronnie those links are really good and have a lot of info and tips for excel.
> I also did another google search and found this link 
> which is very good and I found the solution under 'format axis' to change the 
> horizontal axis type to 'Text' not 'Date' or 'Auto'.
> This then only plots the actual date data from the pivot table, rather than 
> excel calculating a 'date category axis'!
> Looks like I have a lot to learn!! My previous (and very old version of 
> Office X for mac) had a much easier approach to this. However I think Office 
> 2011 has way more newbies, and I just need to learn them all!!
> Thanks very much for your time in helping me out
> Kindest regards
> Chris

Ashley Mulder
BSc (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) | (Forensic Science Hons.)
PhD Student (Chemistry)
Department of Chemistry
Curtin University

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