On 24/06/2011, at 9:26 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Daniel & Peter,
> Excellent posts!
> I’m tossing up whether to Install Lion on an external firewire drive  (as 
> Daniel is aware, I have heaps of spare drives ;-), OR “Install & Dual-Boot OS 
> X 10.7 Lion & OS X 10.6.7" on my MBP? This way I would have TWO separate 
> installations of Mac OS X,  (Lion & Snow Leopard) on my MBP & can boot into 
> Lion for testing purposes.
> If I find I don’t want to keep Lion, I can uninstall it without having to do 
> a system restore from a Snow Leopard backup.
> i.e Create a 20GB partition for Mac OS X Lion (after of course BACKING UP my 
> current Snow Leopard system).
> I would then still use Snow Leopard as my primary daily working system, but 
> boot into Lion for testing.
> I will give this a lot more thought before I decide which way to go.
> But I  would be very interested in your comments on which way I should go 
> (watch it Daniel … if you suggest “where I should go, instead of which" :-)
> Cheers,
> Ronni

One of the best investments I have ever made was the little NewerTech Voyager 
hard drive dock which I bought from Daniel. This brilliant little device allows 
me to have a virtually unlimited number of hard drives at my disposal. The 
Voyager has a couple of Firewire 800 ports, in addition to a Firewire 400 and a 
USB 2 port (with an eSATA port to boot), so I always have access to the fastest 
backup technology available. 

Shortly after taking delivery of my nice shiny new 27" i5 iMac last week, the 
first thing I did was to take myself off to Austin Computers and pick a couple 
of new bare 1Tb hard drives for about $65 each. One of these is for my constant 
Time Machine backup, and the other is for a weekly clone using Carbon Copy 
Cloner. All I have to do is remember to pop out the Time Machine drive each 
Saturday night and drop in the clone drive, ready for the scheduled clone which 
will happen on Sunday morning at 9:00am.

The point of all this is that upon the release of Lion, it will be an extremely 
simple process to get another drive purely for the purpose of testing Lion on a 
fresh clone of my hard drive AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE, and not have to worry 
about upsetting any current apple carts.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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