Hi Barry,

Did you install anything new just prior to doing the OS X 10.6.8 Combo update?

Have you tried resetting PRAM and NVRAM  <http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1379> ?

Another suggestion,  
Boot in Safe mode, run Repair Permissions in Disk Utility.
Then restart normally.

Or better still: Repair Disk & Repair Permissions using the OS X Snow Leopard 
Installation disc.
A). Repair Disk.

1.  Start from your Mac OS X Install disc: Insert the installation disc, then 
restart the computer while holding the C key.

2.  When your computer finishes starting up from the disc,  select your 
language first, then select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (at the top of 
your screen).
Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you 
do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.

3.  Click the First Aid tab.

4.  Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display 
the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.

5.  Select your Mac OS X volume (sub-entry below the drive entry).

6.  Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk.

If Disk Utility reports any errors have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk 
until no errors are reported.

B)  Then click on Repair Permissions.


On 28/06/2011, at 4:25 PM, Barry Sexstone wrote:

> After running with no apparent problems since Saturday the problem has 
> reoccurred. this time the dock disappeared,other operations appeared OK but 
> slow then the whole system locked up except for mouse movement.  restart in 
> safe mode went OK but then a normal restart showed no dock and the system was 
> extremely slow eventually locking up again.  Before it locked up I was able t 
> look at the console which reported dock crash reports had been saved but I 
> was unable t access them.  I now doubt the problem has anything to do with 
> the update and this was a coincidence.
> Can anyone advise me on my next step to find the cause of the problem?
> Many thanks
> Barry
> Sent from my iPad
> On 25/06/2011, at 1:51 PM, Barry Sexstone <bjsexst...@netspace.net.au> wrote:
>> Thanks Ray, this was going to be one of my options.
>> However,  after a couple of restarts (one with power off for 15 minutes) 
>> with the same problem re-occurring I started in safe mode.  Interestingly in 
>> safe mode looking at the dock (apple>dock) showed the option of turning 
>> hiding off, previously the option had been turning on and toggling had no 
>> effect.  This time it restored the dock.  Restarting normally all appears OK 
>> and the dock is back, I have the option to turn in on and off and screen 
>> background is now behaving.  On of life's little mysteries I suppose.
>> Regards
>> Barry
>> On 25/06/2011, at 12:56 PM, Ray Forma wrote:
>>> Barry,
>>> I have used the combo update to updated to MacOS 10.6.8 from MacOS 10.6.7. 
>>> Till now no apparent problems. Dock there; background OK. However, because 
>>> I do lots of colour work my background is just a boring uniform 50% grey. 
>>> Hence no suggestions except try reinstalling update.
>>> MacPro 5,1, 7GB RAM, 1.0TB Mirrored RAID + 1TB Backup.
>>> On 25/06/2011, at 12:18 PM, Barry Sexstone wrote:
>>>> G'Day all
>>>> I hope no-one drowned in yesterday's rain.
>>>> This morning I updated to 10.6.8 using the combo update.  I repaired 
>>>> permissions prior to the update.  The update appeared to install correctly 
>>>> but on the restart I had no dock.  I repaired permissions again and did 
>>>> another restart with the same result.  Going to the system preferences for 
>>>> the dock all the settings appear OK but response to opening items was very 
>>>> slow.  Another problem that has arisen is with the desktop background,  I 
>>>> had Apple's nature images as background set to change randomly at 1 minute 
>>>> intervals, they were changing at 1 second intervals so I have gone to 
>>>> solid colour.
>>>> I have not tried any remedial action yet, has anyone any suggestions?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Barry
>>>> iMac 10,1
>>>> Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz 
>>>> 8GB RAM
>>>> 1.0 TB HD
>>>> OS X 10.6.8 (?)

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