Hi everyone

I am enquiring to find out a useful way of importing/exporting excel docs to an 
I have done some online searching and see that Microsoft hasnt ported Office to 
the ipad but there seem to be a few alternatives like 'Documents to Go', 'Quick 
Office' and the Apple apps, iWorks and Numbers. I havnt used any of these and 
ask if someone can please advise me?

I would like to be able to use an 'Excel like' app, in a similar way to FMP Go 
on the iPad, as a data entry program that can update files to/from a laptop.

Thanks for any help


Christopher L.K. Burton
Western Whale Research
PO Box 1076
Dunsborough WA 6281
Mobile: 0419 199 120
Email: c...@it.net.au 

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