Hi Mike,

Yes, those emails from me did come through to WAMUG Mailing list, but there 
were others yesterday & today that I sent to WAMUG that have not come through.
What’s annoying (& weird) is some are coming through, others not, and I’m not 
receiving any ‘bounce’ message or ‘spam’ messages to alert me that they have 
not been received by WAMUG.
And all the emails are sent as they appear in my ‘Sent’ mailbox? They are also 
in my iCloud sent mailbox (as they should be). 
Anyway I’ll guess I’ll eventually sort the annoying problem ;-)

Thanks for your email, I appreciate it.


On 17/10/2011, at 11:18 AM, Mike Murray wrote:

> Ronnie
> Emails recorded from you came via Wamug yesterday at
> 7.03 am
> 4.18pm
> 4.44pm
> 4.51pm 
> and today at
> 9.15am
> 10.57am
> Cheers
> Mike
> Mike Murray and Lesley Silvester
> TimeTrackers
> East Fremantle
> Western Australia
> Tel 08 9339 8078
> Fax 08 9339 0519
> British and Australian genealogical and historical research, 
> education, publishing and film-making
> www.timetrackers.com.au
> On 17/10/2011, at 10:57 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Hi Barry,
>> Did you log out of your iTunes Account? What is the App?
>> I’ve posted more replies to WAMUG than are getting through, my reply email 
>> to you came into WAMUG, but not any others?
>> It’s really annoying me, originally the migration from MobileMe to iCloud 
>> was working perfectly but now it is NOT.
>> We will see if you receive this one :-(
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni

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