On 16/11/2011, at 7:30 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

> On 15/11/2011, at 10:00 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Hi WAMUGers,
>> I’m always on the lookout for cool stuff for my iDevices 
>> I found the HYPERSHOP … and it has some really cool stuff  for iPhone & iPad.
>> Hey Daniel, do you know where we can source these in Australia ;-)
>> HyperDrive iFlashDrive
>> <http://www.hypershop.com/iFlashDrive-s/200.htm>
> Pretty interesting devices, Ronni. I really like the idea of the iPad 
> external hard drive! It's a shame the website doesn't give any clues about 
> distributors in Oz…
> I'm fascinated to know just how these things work with software which is 
> written to use its own file repository, e.g., any of the iWork apps. 

Hi Peter,

If you mean the  HyperDrive Hard Drive for iPad:

It is only for Photos and Videos & you require the Apple iPad Camera Connection 
"Store up to 1TB of photos and videos”. Store some videos for a long plane 

You can connect the HyperDrive to a Mac or PC using a USB cable, and copy 
photos and video files to it just like an ordinary hard drive.
Photos that you transfer onto the HyperDrive can be previewed on its own 
screen, before you connect it to your iPad. 
You can only connect the HyperDrive to an iPad by using the USB adaptor that’s 
part of Apple’s Camera Connection Kit.

You connect the HyperDrive to the Camera Connection Kit and then use the screen 
on the HyperDrive to locate the folders that you want to transfer onto the 
iPad. The contents of each folder then appear on the iPad’s screen. 
You can tap the Import All button on the iPad to import the entire folder, or 
tap on individual photos or videos you want to import. 
Your files are added to the Photos app on the iPad, ready for viewing. 

An Article explaining here: 

"Once you’ve connected the HyperDrive to your iPad, you can use the 
HyperDrive’s built-in LCD screen to select a folder you’d like to access and 
the folder contents will appear in the iPad’s Photos app as if they were from a 
camera or regular SD card.

Since files can only be transfered onto an iPad through the Photos app, you’ll 
only be able to use the HyperDrive to view iPad-compatible photos and videos. 
Another downside is the inability to transfer files from the iPad onto the 
HyperDrive—you can only get files onto the HyperDrive through standard 
computers or memory cards.

Despite these limitations, the HyperDrive could prove useful to travelers who 
want to carry more videos and photos than their iPads can store, as well as 
photographers or videographers who need a way to quickly back up their memory 
cards without having to tote around a laptop.”


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.2 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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