Hello WAMUGers,

I’ve forwarded email to the list as the gentleman is not a member of WAMUG. Mr 
Varley has asked me to post it for him.

I take no responsibility if you try this and it doesn’t work for you, as I have 
not tested his procedure.
I have had email contact with Mr Varley asking him if he has tested this and 
has he had any problems.
/Extract from my email to Mr. Varley:

"I can ‘perhaps’ see how this ‘could' work, if you did a Erase and Clean 
Install of Lion … not transferring from your backup using Migration Assistant / 
Setup Assistant… but boy would all the fiddling around… be worth it ??

A lot of people like myself have numerous email Accounts and over 60-80 or more 
Mailboxes and Subfolders inside Mailboxes.
How many do you have and did all messages placed back in Inbox, Drafts, Sent, 
and all the Mailboxes that are already in your Snow Leopard Mail accept the new 
messages from the “Imported Mailboxes”?

Are you sure this importing of all the Mailboxes worked?

You have not experienced any problems?”

/End of Extract from my email to Mr Varley:

Mr Varley responded with these comments:
"Hi Ronni,
I have to admit that I hadn't been a heavy user of Apple Mail. I have only been 
a Mac user since 2009. I have a PC for work and all my work mail is on it. For 
personal mail, I use Gmail and Hotmail via the Web.
However, I did have 3 old email accounts that I had imported into Apple Mail 
under Snow Leopard for historical archiving purposes. I don't really use Apple 
Mail on a day to day basis.
I have a Macbook 13" (2.4 GHz, 2 GB RAM) purchased in March 2009. I had been 
running Snow Leopard on it since the beginning until about 4 weeks ago, when I 
upgraded to Lion. I had all the problems that others have described with Lion, 
so I decided to downgrade.
I had not created any time machine backups, etc. I copied all of my 
content/apps to an external drive (including bookmarks and the entire Library > 
Mail folder structure. I then reformated my drive and reinstalled Snow Leopard 
from the original Snow Leopard installation DVD. I had to do a lot of "system 
updates" after that to catch up on 2+ years of updates. I copied my content 
back from the external drive onto the Macbook.
I was able to get everything set up as it was before, but couldn't import the 
mail files.
I stumbled across the procedure I described by trial and error, but as far as I 
can tell it worked. I only had 3 mailboxes with about 500 messages in each that 
I imported, but all the messages are there and they all open and display the 
content correctly. For the amount of mailboxes I had, it did not take very much 
time. For your situation, I can see that it would be very time consuming. As I 
said, I use Apple Mail mostly as an archive of dormant accounts, not day to day 
usage, but it appears that by following this procedure you can get your mail 
objects into Snow Leopard Mail and perform all actions from the Mail client.
My suggestion would be to experiment with it on a couple of mailboxes and see 
if it works for you.
Doug Varley."

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Douglas Varley <dougvar...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Reverting to SL
> Date: 24 November 2011 10:35:07 AM AWST
> To: ro...@mac.com
> Hi Ronni,
> I found your posting on the Web about not being able to import Lion Mail into 
> Snow Leopard Mail.
> Here is what I did:
> - In Mail, click Mailbox > New Mailbox.
> - in the New Mailbox dialog box, select "On My Mac" as the location and give 
> it any "MailboxName" you want. Click OK.
> - Now in Finder, open Library > Mail > Mailboxes > MailboxName.mbox. In the 
> MailboxName.mbox folder (where MailboxName is whatever name you gave the 
> mailbox), all you'll see is an info.plist file. Add a folder called 
> "Messages". 
> - Go to the location where you've backed up all of your email from Lion and 
> drill down to the Messages folder where you have all your .emlx files. Copy 
> all of these .emlx files and paste them into the new Messages folder you've 
> created (i.e., at the Library > Mail > Mailboxes > MailboxName.mbox > 
> Messages location).
> - Go back to Mail. If you open the new "MailboxName" folder under "ON MY 
> MAC", you'll see that it is still empty. Snow Leopard Mail can't read the 
> .emlx files from Lion Mail. But we're not done yet. There are some more steps.
> - On the Mail File menu, click Import Mailboxes.
> - Select Apple Mail and click Continue.
> - Browse to Library > Mail > Mailboxes, select "MailboxName.mbox", click 
> Choose, and then click Done.
> - Snow Leopard Mail will now import Lion Mail. It creates an "Import" folder 
> in Mail under "ON MY MAC". Expand the Import folder and you'll see a a folder 
> with the "MailboxName" you selected. When you open this you'll see all of 
> your mail items that came from Lion Mail.
> - You can repeat the above for each mailbox you want to import.
> Best regards.

17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.2 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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