
Has anyone from WAMUG used the WannaAudio program which is  $8.49 from Apple 
App Store?   There are no user reviews on the App Store or Macupdate sites.   
If it was free I would just download and try it, but $$ is different!

My need is to extract audio from a long meeting recorded in .mov format.    
Video was edited in iMovie to break up the session into the wanted audio 
sections.  These were saved in iTunes .m4v format.    I want to extract just 
the audio  (voice, not music) from either the .mov or .m4v  files to a standard 
medium quality audio .mp3 format.   

Some forums suggest the Garageband could do the job.  Any comments about this?  
 I confess that I've never used Garageband so i don't know its capabilities.    
 I don't have Titanium Toast which has been suggested as another possibility.  
Other forums suggested Handbrake, Quicktime, and even iMovie itself:  I can't 
see and obvious way to extract audio as a separate file from any of these 

Regards, Alan

Alan Smith
  iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 12G RAM - OSX 10.6.8
  iPad2; ATV2

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