Hi Alan,

This is the way I have exported audio from iMovie clips to AIFF format and then 
use iTunes to convert the AIFF format to MP3

To export only audio in iMovie'11:

If you need to export just the audio of your project, iMovie allows you to 
export only the audio as an AIFF file. 
How to export the audio of your iMovie 11 project to AIFF form.
        1.      At the very top of the screen there is a Share tab, this the 
exporting tab of iMovie. Click Share and select Export Using Quicktime.

        2.      This will bring up a new window. In this window you will choose 
where to save your project and how to save it.

        3.      Click the Export tab

        4.      Now select Sound as AIFF as the export setting.

        5.      Then click the Where tab and choose Desktop

        6.      Click Save to begin exporting.

        7.      This will bring up a new “Exporting project…” window.

        8.      Once that window disappears your project is now saved to the 
desktop solely as an AIFF sound file.

Add the AIFF file to iTunes
To convert a song's file format:

1.Open iTunes Preferences. 
2. Click the General button, then click the Importing Settings button in the 
second section of the window.
3. From the Import Using pop-up menu, choose the encoding format that you want 
to convert the song to (in this case MP3), then click OK to save the settings.
4. Select the AIFF file in your library, then from the Advanced menu, choose 
'Create MP3 version' (The menu item changes to show what's selected in your 
Importing preferences):


On 01/07/2012, at 6:09 PM, Alan Smith wrote:

> Hi Ronni
> Yes, a possible solution.  Thank you.  The simple renaming of the file 
> extension made it recognisable as an MPEG-4 audio file.    I then edited and 
> re-saved the file in MP3 format which was recognised by my little MP3 player. 
>   As you noted, the audio file is the same size as the original video which 
> is a pity.
> Couldn't locate an obvious "export audio" option in my iMovie'11 (ver 9.0.4). 
>   Or is the process more labour intensive, perhaps by highlighting the audio 
> in the Event window and copying it out?   (I've copied audio clips IN to 
> iMovie projects.)  Another one to test when time allows.
> I have since heard that QT7 can be installed on my iMac and be upgraded to QT 
> Pro.  To be tested!   In the long run perhaps QT Pro at $45 will be cheaper 
> than an untested app that is "only"  $8!
> Cheers
> Alan
> On 01/07/2012, at 5:07 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Have not used the app you mention, I have used Toast, QT Pro, and iMovie to 
> extract audio.
> But, have you tried duplicating the .m4v file (so you still have the original 
> in case).
> Then in Finder just changing the extension from .m4v to .m4a?
> It 'should' change the video file to an Audio file without loosing any sound 
> quality.
> But the file size I don't think will change which would mean that the video 
> track is still in the file using up space.
> Worth a shot ;-) I'll try it myself when I find a .mv4 on my MBP
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 01/07/2012, at 12:59 PM, Alan Smith wrote:
>> Hi
>> Has anyone from WAMUG used the WannaAudio program which is  $8.49 from Apple 
>> App Store?   There are no user reviews on the App Store or Macupdate sites.  
>>  If it was free I would just download and try it, but $$ is different!
>> My need is to extract audio from a long meeting recorded in .mov format.    
>> Video was edited in iMovie to break up the session into the wanted audio 
>> sections.  These were saved in iTunes .m4v format.    I want to extract just 
>> the audio  (voice, not music) from either the .mov or .m4v  files to a 
>> standard medium quality audio .mp3 format.   
>> Some forums suggest the Garageband could do the job.  Any comments about 
>> this?   I confess that I've never used Garageband so i don't know its 
>> capabilities.     I don't have Titanium Toast which has been suggested as 
>> another possibility.  Other forums suggested Handbrake, Quicktime, and even 
>> iMovie itself:  I can't see and obvious way to extract audio as a separate 
>> file from any of these programs. 
>> Regards, Alan
>> Alan Smith
>> iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 12G RAM - OSX 10.6.8
>> iPad2; ATV2

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