Hello Rosemary,

Both these applications should not be using that amount of CPU when they are 
not doing anything. I did ask before if you were using any plugins that might 
be causing a conflict.

From what I can find out about Picasa... Picasa is very busy when you start 
Picasa as it automatically begins a scan of your entire hard drive to locate 
any new photos that haven't been catalogued yet. Also if you have Face 
Detection on, its going to continually scan every image you already catalogued 
looking for faces, trying to find a match, and then tagging them with names.  

But if iPhoto & Picasa use more than 50% CPU for hours on end, something is 
probably wrong with your system. Could be constant I/O errors from a defective 
hard drive.
Is your  New MacBook Pro still under Warranty?
If so I would suggest you take it to Apple for them to check the hardware.

You could first try:
Boot into Recovery HD Partition and run "Repair Disk"
Note: Backup first with Time Machine or whatever backup program you use.
1. Reboot the MBP and hold down Command+R keys when you hear the startup tone
2. Select "Recovery HD" from the Boot Menu
3. Choose "Disk Utility" from the Mac OS X Utilities screen
4. Click the hard drive, click the "First Aid" tab, and then click "Repair Disk"
After Repair Disk has run successfully, boot OS X as normal.


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

> On 4 Oct 2013, at 11:22 am, Rosemary Spark <arkaysp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I followed your instructions for iphoto but the fan is still going most of 
> the time. Immediately I open iphoto the fan goes very hard. The iphoto 
> process is still 102%; picasa 100%; ???
> Cheers
> Rosemary
> Rosemary Spark
> PO Box 781
> South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia
> Phone: + 61 8 94336609
> Mobile: 0414268043
> arkaysp...@gmail.com
>> On 1 October 2013 15:02, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Rosemary,
>> What was your result please?
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>> On 21 Sep 2013, at 1:51 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Rosemary,
>>> What version of iPhoto are you using?
>>> Are you using any iPhoto Plugins? 
>>> If it is iPhoto version 9.4.3... did you let iPhoto update the Library 
>>> Database when you updated from previous 9.4.?
>>> 1. Quit iPhoto.
>>> It could be some issues with the library itself.  You could try this:  
>>> Make a temporary, backup copy of your iPhoto Library (select your iPhoto 
>>> library in Picture folder and type Command+D) and  apply the two fixes 
>>> below in order as needed:
>>> 2. Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down until you see the 
>>> resulting dialogue window for ‘Photo Library First Aid’  and rebuild the 
>>> library.
>>> Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #1 Repair 
>>> Permissions, followed by #3 Repair Database and then #4 Rebuild Database as 
>>> needed.
>>> iPhoto'11 is a better program on a Mac than Picasa as iPhoto integrates 
>>> with other applications.
>>> Nothing beats Lightroom if you are really serious about photography in my 
>>> opinion.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>> OS X 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>>>> On 21/09/2013, at 12:05 PM, Rosemary Spark <arkaysp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Ronni,
>>>> Settings for sleep on battery 15 minutes,  connected never so mystery
>>>> Activity monitor showed iPhoto using 110% even when not actually using it. 
>>>> Fan turned off after I closed. I'd like to move to Picasa but haven't 
>>>> managed to work out how to use it yet.
>>>> Cheers Rosemary
>>>>> On Thursday, 19 September 2013, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hello Rosemary,
>>>>> What OS X version are you running... OS X 10.8.5?
>>>>> My comments in situ below.
>>>>>> On 19/09/2013, at 8:33 AM, Rosemary Spark <arkaysp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> My new (May) MacBook Pro 15" has 2 weird problems
>>>>>> 1. Often when I start using it and sometimes while using it turns off... 
>>>>>> Not being moved or anything.  It goes right to sleep .... black screen, 
>>>>>> no fan noise. I have to wake it up by hitting the track pad etc 
>>>>>> Sometimes this process is prolonged. It has done this since day 
>>>>> The MBP is not turning off/shutting down, it is going to sleep or display 
>>>>> sleep
>>>>> Check your settings in System Preferences > Energy Saver  
>>>>> Under  Power Adapter  & Battery?
>>>>>> 2. The fan is very loud all the time.
>>>>> The fans in all MacBooks & MacBook Pros run any time that they are 
>>>>> powered up, but at very low (and quiet) speed. The fans increase in speed 
>>>>> as more CPU cycles are used and when the temperature rises.
>>>>> To troubleshoot the noise fans, open Activity Monitor (Applications > 
>>>>> Utilities > Activity Monitor) and sort the column labeled "% CPU" to 
>>>>> identify any runaway applications, which can shorten battery runtime, 
>>>>> affect performance, and increase hear and fan activity, as documented in 
>>>>> Apple Knowledge base article TS1473.
>>>>> Let me know if you find a Process Name "ubd" is using around 99% CPU, or 
>>>>> whatever process is using high % CPU.
>>>>> You can follow the instructions in the Apple Knowledge base article 
>>>>> TS1473 at the link below.
>>>>> <http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1473?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US>
>>>>>> My husband bought a 13" MacBook Pro as well and has neither problem.
>>>>>> Normal? Or not.
>>>>> Not normal!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>>>>> Rosemary Spark
>>>>>> PO Box 781
>>>>>> South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia
>>>>>> Phone: + 61 8 94336609
>>>>>> Mobile: 0414268043
>>>>>> arkaysp...@gmail.com
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