Hi Ronni

I have not yet updated to Mavericks as before I left there were apparently
still problems. I did a search on the mailing list but did not find
anything that indicated a specific fix or update.

So it looks like the only way will be to upgrade and see, I was not even
aware that Mavericks had been updated. I was away for a long time, doing
wine tours in Australia and the US, good stuff if you have the time!



Hi Paul,

On 28 Jan 2014, at 4:54 pm, Paul Willemse <pjwille...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I have been away for a few weeks, what is the latest regarding the
Mavericks update and Mail? Have the issues been resolved?

What issues are you referring to?

Are you having issues with Exchange Servers with Mavericks Mail?
Or Gmail's unconventional IMAP implementation with Mavericks Mail?

Are you already running OS X Mavericks 10.9.1 and have installed the Mail
Update for Mavericks?

Sent from Ronni's iPad




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