Hi Ronni

Thanks very much for your great summary of what to do for the update to 
Mavericks, as I too have been thinking about this for the last few weeks!

However Im not sure I can as my MBPro is running 10.6.8 and I have another 
older machine which Cath uses, running even earlier OSX!

Is this the case Ronni? Would I have to first update to Lion? Is it worth doing 
this or should I persist until I upgrade my machines?

Many thanks and best regards


Christopher L.K. Burton
Western Whale Research
PO Box 1076
Dunsborough WA 6281
Mobile: 0419 199 120
Email: c...@it.net.au 


On 02/02/2014, at 3:45 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:

> On 2 Feb 2014, at 2:42 pm, Paul Willemse <pjwille...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ronni
>> I have not yet updated to Mavericks as before I left there were apparently 
>> still problems. I did a search on the mailing list but did not find anything 
>> that indicated a specific fix or update.
>> So it looks like the only way will be to upgrade and see, I was not even 
>> aware that Mavericks had been updated.
> Hi Paul,
> Mavericks OS X 10.9 has had an Update to Mail plus an update to OS X 10.9.1
> If you make sure you do the Preparation before upgrading to Mavericks and 
> then follow the 'Installing & After Installation completes' as below you 
> should not experience problems.
> First thing to do is: 
> Get your Mac ready for Mavericks OS X 10.9
> 1. Backup your system BEFORE installing
> 2. Repair Permissions before installing
> 3. Turn OFF Time Machine in System Preferences
> 4. Unmount & Disconnect any External USB & Firewire Drives /TimeMachine
> 5. Download the Mavericks OS X 10.9 upgrade app from the Mac App Store.
> 6. Run the Mavericks OS X 10.9 upgrade app to Install Mavericks
> ** Apple warning for installing Updates:
> Do not interrupt the installation process once you have started to update 
> your system.
> What to do after installation of Lion-Mountain Lion-or Mavericks completes 
> and your Mac restarts
> Spotlight
> 1. In most cases, as soon as Lion or Mountain Lion or Mavericks starts up the 
> first time, Spotlight begins indexing (or re-indexing) all the files on all 
> mounted volumes.
> This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending 
> on how many files you have and the speed of your CPU and disk.
> During this time, you’ll notice a lot of disk activity (along with, perhaps, 
> somewhat sluggish overall performance), and you’ll see a pulsing dot in the 
> center of Spotlight’s magnifying glass icon on the right side of your menu 
> bar. (Clicking this icon during indexing displays an estimate of the time 
> remaining for each volume.)
> Software Update
> 2. After Spotlight has finished indexing the Volume: Run Software Update
> The next thing you should do is to update Mac OS X itself (and any other 
> crucial Apple software) to the latest version. Sometimes Apple releases bug 
> fixes and security updates almost immediately after a major upgrade, and if 
> any such urgent updates are available, it’s in your best interest to install 
> them right away.
> Shortly after your Mac starts up under Lion or Mountain Lion for the first 
> time, Software Update should run automatically; if it finds updated software, 
> it displays an alert “Software updates are available for your computer......”
> If Software Update does not run, choose Apple  > Software Update. Software 
> Update checks if a newer version of Mac OS X (or any of the software 
> installed with it) is available—and if so, offers to download and install it.
> Repair Permissions
> 3. Repair Permissions
> Let Apple Applications Update their Databases
> 4. Open Apple Mail from the Applications folder and let it update the Mail 
> Database 
> 5. Open iPhoto from the Applications folder and let it update the iPhoto 
> Database 
> 6. Open iTunes from the Applications folder and let it update the database
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
> OS X 10.9 Mavericks
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>> I was away for a long time, doing wine tours in Australia and the US, good 
>> stuff if you have the time!
>> Regards,
>> Paul 
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