Hi Stephen,

Is this an attachment ... do you see a paperclip (which indicates an 
attachment) If so does the image display on Quick Look?
click on the paperclip arrow ↓ Quick Look

If you continue to have problems, there is another possibility: it might be the 
image server’s fault.

Whenever you see these images in an HTML message, you are really viewing a web 
page, which means each image has a web address associated with it. If the 
address is incorrect, or if the image has been pulled from the server, you will 
see a blue question mark box because Mail cannot load the image. 
There is nothing you can do about this short of contacting the person or 
company who sent you the message to see if they can correct it.

Have you checked the Raw Source of the problem messages?

Other scenarios:  
1. Mail is not finding any link to an image.
2.Mail is not finding a properly encoded image attachment. 
The next step will see if there is an improperly encoded message.
3. To see the raw message, in Mail select the message and then View > Message > 
Raw Source. 
The image (and any other attachment) will show as a very large block of random 

Also if the problematic messages are not the original but second-hand - 
forwarded messages.
There is another downside to HTML mail. It is difficult to forward HTML 
messages while preserving their content--especially when they include links to 
external files. Those links are easily broken when the messages are forwarded. 
The blue question mark placeholder can be the result of a broken link to a 
standard graphics or animation file.


> On 7 Dec 2014, at 4:05 pm, Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> Hi Ronni and thank you !
> I do have “Load Remote Content” checked.
> And the messages have not been in JUNK mail.
> So perhaps I have had some internet issues at some point (or points).
> Next time it happens I will run through these scenarios and check.
>> On 7 Dec 2014, at 3:45 pm, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> If you receive an email in Mail that has blue boxes with question marks in 
>> them, this is for one of three reasons:
>> 1. You have no Internet connection, which prevents Mail from downloading the 
>> images.
>> 2.The message is in your Junk Mail folder. Mail refuses to grab images for 
>> these messages as a safety measure. In this case, you must take the message 
>> out of your Junk Mail folder (or click “Load Images” at the top of the 
>> message while viewing it).
>> 3. The option to display remote images in messages is turned off in the Mail 
>> preferences.
>> If your problem stems from scenarios #1 or #2, you know how to fix this. 
>> You either need to connect to the Internet (at which time Mail will 
>> automatically download the messages), or you must take the message out of 
>> your Junk Mail folder. 
>> To fix the problem with scenario #3, follow these steps:
>> 1. Select Preferences from the Mail menu.
>> 2. Click on the Viewing tab in the Preferences window.
>> 3. Make sure that you check the checkbox next to Display remote images in 
>> HTML messages. Or in Yosemite Mail - Load remote content in messages
>> If this box is not checked, Mail will not load your images, and you’ll see 
>> blue boxes with question marks instead.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>> On 7 Dec 2014, at 3:27 pm, Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com 
>> <mailto:chap...@bigpond.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Just recently I have received a few emails containing small blue squares 
>>> containing white question marks.
>>> I think that is where an image should be embedded in the email.
>>> Now one of my recipients has told me that he has received one from me like 
>>> that.
>>> Any ideas on how to change this please ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Stephen Chape
>>> Mac by choice
>>> Windows because my employer knew no better
> Windows because my employer knew no better

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