Hi again Ronni,
I just checked RAW SOURCE and I see what you mean.
So I guess the email cannot connect with the original image source and 
consequently produces this result.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com>
> Subject: Re: Question marks in emails ?
> Date: 8 Dec 2014 9:49:57 pm AWST
> To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
> Hi Ronni,
> I got 3 emails today from the same sender.
> 2 of them contained the Blue Squares with White Question Marks.
> However they also contained some images.
> I suspect that they have been forwarded to me and so are probably the “second 
> hand message” scenario !
>> On 7 Dec 2014, at 4:37 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> Is this an attachment ... do you see a paperclip (which indicates an 
>> attachment) If so does the image display on Quick Look?
>> click on the paperclip arrow ↓ Quick Look
>> If you continue to have problems, there is another possibility: it might be 
>> the image server’s fault.
>> Whenever you see these images in an HTML message, you are really viewing a 
>> web page, which means each image has a web address associated with it. If 
>> the address is incorrect, or if the image has been pulled from the server, 
>> you will see a blue question mark box because Mail cannot load the image. 
>> There is nothing you can do about this short of contacting the person or 
>> company who sent you the message to see if they can correct it.
>> Have you checked the Raw Source of the problem messages?
>> Other scenarios:  
>> 1. Mail is not finding any link to an image.
>> 2.Mail is not finding a properly encoded image attachment. 
>> The next step will see if there is an improperly encoded message.
>> 3. To see the raw message, in Mail select the message and then View > 
>> Message > Raw Source. 
>> The image (and any other attachment) will show as a very large block of 
>> random characters.
>> Also if the problematic messages are not the original but second-hand - 
>> forwarded messages.
>> There is another downside to HTML mail. It is difficult to forward HTML 
>> messages while preserving their content--especially when they include links 
>> to external files. Those links are easily broken when the messages are 
>> forwarded. 
>> The blue question mark placeholder can be the result of a broken link to a 
>> standard graphics or animation file.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> On 7 Dec 2014, at 4:05 pm, Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com 
>>> <mailto:chap...@bigpond.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni and thank you !
>>> I do have “Load Remote Content” checked.
>>> And the messages have not been in JUNK mail.
>>> So perhaps I have had some internet issues at some point (or points).
>>> Next time it happens I will run through these scenarios and check.
>>>> On 7 Dec 2014, at 3:45 pm, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>>>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Stephen,
>>>> If you receive an email in Mail that has blue boxes with question marks in 
>>>> them, this is for one of three reasons:
>>>> 1. You have no Internet connection, which prevents Mail from downloading 
>>>> the images.
>>>> 2.The message is in your Junk Mail folder. Mail refuses to grab images for 
>>>> these messages as a safety measure. In this case, you must take the 
>>>> message out of your Junk Mail folder (or click “Load Images” at the top of 
>>>> the message while viewing it).
>>>> 3. The option to display remote images in messages is turned off in the 
>>>> Mail preferences.
>>>> If your problem stems from scenarios #1 or #2, you know how to fix this. 
>>>> You either need to connect to the Internet (at which time Mail will 
>>>> automatically download the messages), or you must take the message out of 
>>>> your Junk Mail folder. 
>>>> To fix the problem with scenario #3, follow these steps:
>>>> 1. Select Preferences from the Mail menu.
>>>> 2. Click on the Viewing tab in the Preferences window.
>>>> 3. Make sure that you check the checkbox next to Display remote images in 
>>>> HTML messages. Or in Yosemite Mail - Load remote content in messages
>>>> If this box is not checked, Mail will not load your images, and you’ll see 
>>>> blue boxes with question marks instead.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>>> On 7 Dec 2014, at 3:27 pm, Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com 
>>>> <mailto:chap...@bigpond.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> Just recently I have received a few emails containing small blue squares 
>>>>> containing white question marks.
>>>>> I think that is where an image should be embedded in the email.
>>>>> Now one of my recipients has told me that he has received one from me 
>>>>> like that.
>>>>> Any ideas on how to change this please ?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Stephen Chape
>>>>> Mac by choice
>>>>> Windows because my employer knew no better
>>> Windows because my employer knew no better
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> Regards,
> Stephen Chape
> Mac by choice
> Windows because my employer knew no better

Stephen Chape

Mac by choice
Windows because my employer knew no better

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