Hi Julie

On 04/06/2015, at 2:51 PM, Julie Bedford wrote:

> All was working fine earlier today, now I am unable to use Safari or Firefox 
> - when trying to connect I get "The proxy server is refusing connections"  - 
> however I can send and receive email.  Any suggestions.  I have not tampered 
> with any cables.
> (OS 10.7.5 - Mac Pro)

The problem is nothing to do with your computer. The proxy is a device used by 
your ISP to route (and in theory make more efficient) web page access. If the 
proxy refuses to talk to you, then you will not be able to see any web pages. 
Mail does not go through a proxy server.

As to why it is refusing connections, who knows. You need to ask your ISP. I 
would think that if you waited for a few hours, whatever is wrong will be fixed 
and it will all be working again.


Kaye and Geoff

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