Hello Fellow Wamuggers,


        Our next member's meeting will take place this TUESDAY AUGUST
4TH. We will be attempting our first hybrid meeting. i.e. Combining a
face to face meeting with Zoom

        At this point, behalf of the committee, I want to say thank-you the
intrepid Wamuggers who helped the committee explore the intricacies of
Zoom and who showed patience and fortitude when things didn’t go too
well, including screen freezes and boot-outs. The committee has
purchased a license which should eliminate boot-outs and timing
problems but does not take into account that omnipresent factor
-‘Human Error.‘  As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “By
seeking and blundering we learn” 

        This month’s meeting will OPEN AT 7:30PM FOR A 7:40PM STARt. During
the first half hour we will be looking at the new bits & pieces
associated with the recent upgrades to Pages, Keynote & possibly
Numbers. After that we will take any questions on topics or problems
you might have. If you only want to stay for the presentation that’s
OK. I know some of you are logging in from another time zone.


        If you want to participate please indicate via the list and you will
be sent your Meeting ID and Code.





        Maureen Smith

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