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If you want some information just search google under private prisons. Try
correctionscorp.com Jim
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} guns, knives and political games

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> In a message dated 12/10/01 3:48:19 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> << Usually what happens is that a contract to build a prison is put to
>  process. Then the contract to run the prison is put to tender process.
>  also includes the payment of employees, therefore the company who has the
>  tender to run the prison pays the employees. Only if the prison is
>  government controlled, state, federal or local do the paychecks come from
>  government. >>
> ______________________________________
> Don't know what a tender process is -- never heard of it. And I haven't
> up on the California prison system ... but to my knowledge Oregon had no
> private prisons... we do have legalized suicide though, so it all works
> in the end...
> LG
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> A93MR48T18

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